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Member's Profile

Anwesha Tribal Arts and Crafts
A brief overview of the company or organization (CSO) Anwesha Tribal Arts & Crafts is a State Level NGO registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 on 2nd August-1990.

It has also been registered in Income Tax Department, Govt.

of India Sec-12(A) and Sec-80(G) of IT Act, 1961.

Anwesha Tribal Arts & Crafts is a State Level NGO registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 on 2nd August-1990.

It has also been registered in Income Tax Department, Govt.

of India Sec-12(A) and Sec-80(G) of IT Act, 1961.

The organisation aims at preservation, promotion, popularization and revival of rich heritage of tribal and rural crafts.

One of the major activities of the organization is to identify traditional artisan and help them in production and marketing of their art and craft objects in fair price.

It also takes care of the artisans for their socio-economic and holistic development.

The organization engages in product design development, training of crafts people and artisans, resourcing of raw materials, financially assisting the producer, marketing the products, and empowering the crafts people and artisans involved in the tribal handicraft and arts.

Anwesha has aided the development of more than 5000 product designs and established market linkages with more than 100 national and international units.

Anwesha also undertakes various baseline surveys, documentation, infrastructure development, and technique innovations in the crafting processes through various projects.

In the last 3 decades, Anwesha has touched the lives of more than 3000 artisans and crafts people.

Product Line

Dhokra Crafts, Tribal Jewelleries, Tribal based textile and Arts.

Contact Information

Address : 101 Malati Mansion, Niladri Vihar Main Road, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar 751021

Person to be contacted : Dambarudhar Behera

Mobile : 8018698900,  7382452732

Email : anwesha2k@rediffmail.com

Website : https://www.facebook.com

Facebook page : www.anweshaindia.com

Instagram Link :

Twitter Link :

Linkedin Link :

Round Box

owl Box

Standing Tribal Lady Musicians

Dhokra Horse

Olive Turtle