Our organization Artisan Well is based in Kolkata, India.
It is a Non-profit Organization registered under the West Bengal Society Registration Act 1961.
Organization was established in the year 2005.
Artisan Well is a Fair Trade Organization, registered with
WFTO and also Fair Trade Forum India.
We believe that poor artisans deserve appreciation for their craftsmanship and dignity as human beings.
It is imperative that the Artisans are supported in their creativity and have a sustained livelihood, in an
environment of transparency between the buyers and the producers.
Artisan Well believes in providing employment opportunities to marginalized artisans to help them
market their products and thereby earn a sustained livelihood.
The aim of the organization is to
capacitate the artisans to improve their skills and production efficiency to develop a range of market-
oriented products.
Artisan well supports destitute women , most of the ladies working in our factory are either single
women, or sole earner of the family, extremely ,marginalized.
Over and above capacity building, the organization looks at widening the scope of overseas marketing
for Indian Handicraft Products.
All this is geared to the payment of a fair price to the artisans to ensure
their economic betterment and improved quality of life.
Product Line
Finish: Ladies, Gents Hand Bag, Wallet, Ladies Purse, Accessories.
Shanti: Hand Bag, Wallet, Ladies Purse, Piggy Bank, Coin Holders, Accessories, Bull Horn Items, Jute Bags.
Contact Information
Address : | 239/1 NSC Bose Road, 2 nd Floor , Flat: 8, Kolkata: 700047.
West Bengal India.
Person to be contacted : | Kousic Bhattacharya
Mobile : | 9830878130,  9674938803
Email : | artisanwell@hotmail.com
Website : | www.artisanwell.org
Facebook page : | https://www.facebook.com/artisanwell.fairtrade/
Instagram Link : |
Twitter Link : |
Linkedin Link : |