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Member's Profile

Equitable Marketing Association
EMA is a Fair Trade Organisation which operates from India, and caters to buyers abroad.

We have completed 47 years in the Fair Trade business.

As a Fair Trade Organisation, EMA’s chief concern has always been the upliftmment of the economically backward, the physically challenged, women, the minority communities, through its producers and its own Development Centre, we not only give the poor artisans and employees a livelihood, but showcased their talent in craftsmanship internationally.

Which has helped them to earn their well-deserved dignity as well.

Product Line

Leather Bags, Wallets and other accessories, Textile Silk and weaving scarf, Decorative Candles, Other Handicraft Items.

Contact Information

Address : Development Centre: Equitable Marketing Association, Village Uttarbhag, P.O. South Ramnagar Baruipur, District 24-Parganas (South) PIN 743387 West Bengal, India.

Person to be contacted : Debarati Ghosh

Mobile : 9836177315, 

Email : emaswapna@emaindia.org.in

Website : www.emaindia.org.in

Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/emaindia/

Instagram Link :

Twitter Link :

Linkedin Link :


Cushion Cover


Women's Bag

Women's Bag

Women's Bag

Women's Bag

Women's Bag

Coat Brush

Printing & Weaving Scarfs

Printing & Weaving Scarfs