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Member's Profile

"Kumaun Grameen Udyog (KGU), an ethical social enterprise based in the Kumaon Himalayas of Uttarakhand, India.

We are a Fair-trade and Craftmark certified organisation, and also plough back our earnings into rural development activities.

Through our range of handicrafts and agri-products, we strive to give quality and a fair deal to the customer and the rural producer and artisan.

Our artisanal range includes hand woven and hand knitted products; cold pressed oils and scrubs; naturally-grown culinary herbs, grains and spices; and locally grown Himalayan fruit products such as jams and chutneys.


Product Line

Hand-woven, Hand-knitted and Food Products

Contact Information

Address : Bhowali-Ramgarh-Mukteshwar Rd, Kasiyalekh, Uttarakhand 263132, India

Person to be contacted : Bahadur Singh

Mobile : 75348 08511, 

Email : bahadur@kgu.org.in

Website : http://facebook.com/kilmorakgu

Facebook page : www.kilmora.in

Instagram Link : https://www.instagram.com/kilmora_kgu/

Twitter Link :

Linkedin Link : https://www.linkedin.com/in/kilmora-handmade-in-the-himalayas-433830204/

Woollen Saree

Jams and Chutneys

Grains, Millets and Spices

Cotton Hand Knit Toys

Cold pressed Apricot oil and scrub